
The session works to:

  • Ensure that all preaching and teaching within the congregation is Biblical.
  • Preside at worship services and oversees both English and Mandarin worship services occurring
  • Shepherd members of the congregation and be aware of the spiritual pulse of the congregation and take
    a leadership role in providing opportunities for spiritual growth.
  • Pray for each member and adherent of the congregation on a regular basis.
  • Provide leadership in stewardship, discipleship, and evangelism.
  • Enact discipline as needed in accordance with the Scriptures and the RPCNA Book of Church Discipline.
  • Directly handle all aspects of communicant and baptized membership of the congregation.
  • Serve the broader church by participating in Presbytery and Synod and handling responsibilities for

Year In Review

  • Coordinated a wider range of corporate prayer opportunities throughout the week, before morning
    worship, following evening worship, and before ESL.
  • Sponsored youth retreat over winter school break.
  • Provided a DVD evangelistic seminar series by Rev. Rico Tice entitled “Christianity Explored” including
    an Andrew Dinner.
  • Assisted Matthew and legal counsel in working with the successful application for Matthew and
    Dorcas’s R-1 visa. (All praise and thanksgiving to the Lord!)
  • Oversaw the adult Christian Education classes covering How People Change, I John, Seven Deadly Sins,
    and Pilgrim’s Progress.
  • Coordinated time for five high school students from the denominational TFY program to spend several
    days with members of Session and congregation.
  • In the midst of providing an Optional Practical Training (OPT) program for RPTS graduate Hao L.
  • Provided a five week evening seminar series on Spiritual Purposes for Life focusing on development of
    spiritual gifts and purposes.

Upcoming Opportunities

  • Host another group of TFY students in July.
  • Continue helpful and practical shepherding of the congregation.
  • Encourage and care for families.
  • Coordinate corporate prayer time for the body of Christ.
  • Session Members will continue to serve Presbytery and Synod as requested.